Faith Alone Passages
These are the main chapters outlining the doctrine of justification by faith, not works:
Acts 15 Paul confirms faith alone for salvation in Jerusalem
Romans 2,3,4,5 Paul explains the doctrine of justification by faith alone
Galatians 2-3 Paul corrects the Galatians for adding Law to the gospel
Ephesians 1-3 Paul reiterates we’re saved by faith alone, not works
Hebrews 7-12 Jesus is the one time sacrifice for all sins forever
Corinthians Paul’s letter to Carnal Christians, assuring salvation
Colossians 1-3 We have redemption & forgiveness through His Blood
Titus 3 Even though we’re saved by faith alone, good works are profitable
1st & 2nd John You may know you have eternal life if you have faith alone
Isaiah 52 & 53 Penal Substitutionary Atonement Messianic Prophecy
John Believe on the Son of God for everlasting life